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To say hosting Womanifesto has been exciting, is an understatement. It really has been a labour of love. What I didn't anticipate is how much reflection would come with it. When we reflect on our own experiences, on stories we hear, our emotions, our expectations and desires, new ideas come up and dots connect. We are able to create meaning. It gives us a higher chance to act and apply what we now know. So I thought I would share my reflections of Womanifesto with you each month starting this October. I can't wait.

Womanifesto Episode 8 is on Spotify and the Vodcast is on IGTV. This week my guest is @bronwynwilliams, a Trend Translator and Future Finance Specialist @fluxtrends. We are talking about the value of trend translation and analysis, and how we can equip ourselves with understanding trends to make holistic decisions, take informed risks and spot opportunities. It’s important for us to know what’s happening in our environment, especially when moulding an entrepreneurial mindset. Join me this week for an exciting conversation! It’s all about the foresight of hindsight, and staying ahead of the curve, so don’t miss it!
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Womanifesto Episode 7 is on Spotify and the Vodcast is on IGTV. I’ll be sharing an incredible story about Sari For Change, an initiative founded by mom, entrepreneur, life coach and community change agent Rayana Edwards. Born out of repurposing materials and being innovative in the face of scarcity, this powerful story speaks to the importance of actualising self-mastery and community development, through upskilling and creating sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems with high impact! Sari for Change is a beautiful example of not only acknowledging one’s own privilege and access, but how one can enable the access and agency of others. We are our own greatest asset, and the community we build with one another will bring us closer to the futures we want to actualise for ourselves!
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Womanifesto Episode 6 is on Spotify and the Vodcast is on IGTV. Stay tuned for a conversation that may just change your life, by changing how you think about time! I share some of my own habits and reflect on what has been effective on my journey. By channeling your time and energy effectively, you are better able to process information and stay informed, making sure you are maximising your resources, your networks and ensuring you are committed to your growth, consistently, in a disciplined way. To invest in yourself means you invest in your wellbeing, and this includes your sleep and the patterns you develop.
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Womanifesto Episode 5 is on Spotify and the Vodcast is on IGTV. Get comfortable and join me as I share some of my self-discovery journey regarding my career and how I found myself in the belly of the engineering beast! Reflecting on my familial influence and the role of education, the power of decision making, what it means to be in the industry and navigating the biases and realities of the industry as a young black woman. This episode is about challenging yourself and your core driving force - are you running away or running towards?
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Womanifesto Episode 4 is on Spotify and the Vodcast is on IGTV. I will be interviewing Sibulele Mvana who is the Managing Director of NetEquity Networks, an infrastructure sharing entity that is in partnership with Facebook to make high speed internet access affordable for everyone. The discussion unpacks why the internet is important and why as women we should engage in this conversation. Roughly 78% of the African female population does not have access to the internet. This episode challenges women with access to reflect on their privilege of connectivity and decide what their part will be in reducing the digital divide. Please share your thoughts and experiences on or email

Womanifesto Episode 4 loading.....this Sunday. It's a date.
Let's talk about why internet access matters to the economic sustainability of women and why we should care that 78% of African females don't have access to the internet. Share your thoughts on

Womanifesto Episode 3 is on Spotify and the Vodcast is on IGTV. I will be interviewing Clyrofor's Lungile Mtshali, a female leader in the cyber security industry. The discussion unpacks what cybercrime is and what actions individuals and businesses can take, to ensure online safety. Please share your thoughts and experiences on or email

Join me this Sunday for episode 3 of Womanifesto. I will be interviewing Lungile Mtshali, a female leader in the cyber security industry. If you are online, have children that are online or are a leader in your business, this discussion on cyber security is for you. You can listen on Spotify or visit